Welcoming words.Thank you for being interested in reading one or more of my writings

My name is Juan Santiago. Thank you for being interested in reading one or more of my writings. It is not my ultimate intention to change or influence your faith and/or political views, instead it is my goal to keep you inform about some subjects which I believe matters to our local community as we are thriving to bettering our lives everyday. I am also committed to share with you some of my experiences in writing as an advocate for Social Justice in the state of California. If this is your first visit " Welcome", please consider to visit again soon. I invite you to join me on start documenting our experiences, so that others either join us in our causes or teach us about the other side of our fights through productive criticisms.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cantos programados en Nuevo Canto KSJV 91.5FM Fresno California Radio Bilingue Sab. 18 de Junio 2011

Nombre de la CancionNombre del Artista
CorajeLuis Rico
AmigoRoberto Carlos
Querido Viejo Vicente Fernandez
Bailando con la LloronaFiesta con Marimba
Un Hombre se LevantaSilvio Rodriguez
Orgullo Bilingue Francisco Herrera
Maldicion de MalincheGabino Palomares
ExodoPablo Milanes
Que Canten Los NinosJose Luis Perales
Arriba PichateroSemblantes de Michoacan
La SandungaSusana Harp
La MazaSilvio Rodriguez
Queihubo RazaAgustin Lira
La Derrota de DamascoFiesta Marimba
Cancion MixtecaSusana Harp
Donde Jugaran los NinosMana
Bandera de ManosJuanes
Ofrenda Lila Downs
Tierra MestizaLos Folkloristas
Se Que TriunfareGrupo Desconosido
Un Valero Llamado LibertadJose Luis Perales
Cumbia del MoleLila Downs
ThahuitolpecanaBanda Mixe
Casas de CartonLos Guaraguos
De America Yo SoyLos Tigres de Norte
El ImigranteAgustin Lira
LibertadManu Chao
Boquita Color'aLos Folkloristas
Justicia Tierra y LibertadMana
Generacion Nueva Trova Cubana
Como un Perlita PerdidaMercedes Sosa
La MedallitaFiesta Marimba
Duerme NegritoMercedes Sosa
CorajeLuis Rico

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